- onBadCardRead()
- onConnected()
- onDisconnected()
- onTransactionComplete()
- onDeviceInfoReceived()
- onError()
- onFileWriteComplete()
- onFileWriteUpdate()
- onStatusMessage()
- onTransactionCancelled()
- onWaitingForCardRemoval()
- onStatusChanged()
- onSeePhoneNFC()
- onPromptForPartialAuth()
- onProgessChanged()
- onUpdateCheckResultsReceived()
- onProgressBarUpdateAvailable()
- onReceiptReceived()
void onAlertUser(java.lang.String message)
Called to alert the user to perform an action. This is generally implemented with an AlertDialog.
void onConnected()
To connect to payment device call the connect() method. Once the connection to the payment terminal has completed successfully the onConnected() method will be fired. You can then proceed to startTransaction().
If the connection is not successful, the onError() method will be called.
void onDeviceInfoReceived(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> allParams)
Called in response to getDeviceInfo(). "allParams" contains a HashMap of key value pairs describing the connected hardware.
Device Info Hash Map
Key | Example | Description |
serialNum | 0003130000123456 | Serial number of device |
vendorID | 0005 | ID of device manufacturer |
productID | MP200 | Model of the device |
hwVersion | FFFFFFFF | Hardware version |
swVersion | 16072141 | Software version |
batteryLevel | d | Current charge of the battery |
deviceState | Current device state (should always be blank) | |
DUKPT | FFFF3D0100 | KSN for debit encryption |
DUKPT_MAC | FFFFFFFFFFF | MAC for debit encryption |
DUKPT_DEFAULT | FF991C0000 | KSN for e2e encryption |
SRED | FFFF987654 | KSN for e2e encryption (SRED) |
void onDisconnected()
Called when the middleware has disconnected from the device. See the disconnect() method.
void onError(UE_ERROR error)
Called when there is a error. When processing a transaction you should rely on the result returned by onTransactionComplete. If the operation cannot proceed it will have been cancelled gracefully. No need to call cancel. Get text using UE_ERROR.text
Constant | Description |
BAD_SWIPE | MP200 received bad swipe, Transaction will be aborted, retry. |
GATEWAY_CONNECTION_ERROR | The connection to the gateway failed. |
GENERAL_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT | Exception from Exception class caught, stack trace printed, report this error. |
HANDLED | These errors go out to the user. |
INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount entered was invalid. |
INVALID_MAG_STRIPE | The transaction was terminated because of a bad mag swipe x3 retried. |
LOW_BATTERY | Low battery, plug in the MP200. |
MP200_COMMAND_TIMEOUT | Command to MP200 timed out, transaction will abort, retry. |
NO_BT_DEVICE | No BT Device was found, check BT settings. |
NOT_CONNECTED | The device is not in the connected state to execute this function. |
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_UPDATE | Free up memory in the app cache directory. |
TIMEOUT_GATEWAY | Timeout has occurred between gateway. |
TRANSACTION_CANCEL_BUTTON | The transaction was cancelled by pressing the cancel button. |
TRANSACTION_INVALID_PIN | Transaction was terminated because of an invalid PIN. |
TRANSACTION_REQUESTS_CHANGE_INTERFACE | This will also fire a delegate to change interface. |
UNHANDLED_ERROR | Unhandled Error, please report this. |
UPDATE_FAILED | An error occurred during the update process caused it to fail. |
USB_CONNECTION_CLOSED | USB Connection has been closed, reconnect. |
void onProgressBarUpdateAvailable(java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String message,
float percent)
The middleware provides an optional hook for the developer to implement a progress bar for display during longer operations such as a terminal firmware update.
Param | Description |
title | The suggested title of the progress bar |
message | The suggested message |
percent | The percentage (decimal 0 < 1) of the progress. -1 means the dialog should be cancelled, and -2 means there is no percentage available |
void onPromptForPartialAuth(java.lang.String amountAuthorized, HashMap<String,String> tranResults)
Called when the transaction is partially authorized. Please Note: By default, partial authorization is not enabled. You must pass in "enablePartialAuth" as "true" when calling startTransaction(). If not enabled, transactions where the full auth amount is not available will be declined with the error "Insufficient Funds".
Returns string containing the amount that was authorized. It is the developers responsibility to prompt the customer for another payment method for the remaining amount, or to void:release the transaction.
Log.d(TAG, "onPromptForPartialAuth() transaction partially approved for "+ amountAuthorized + " RefNum: " + tranResults.get("UMrefNum"));
// Tell the middleware you want to keep the transaction (onTransactionComplete will then be called)
// Tell the middleware that you do not want to keep the partially approved transaction. It will be
// voided and the funds returned to the customer
void onReceiptReceived(java.lang.String receipt)
Called back when the receipt is returned from the API. See the getReceipt method
Returns either an HTML or text string with the rendered receipt, depending on the receipt format.
void onSeePhoneNFC(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> tagData)
void onStatusChanged(java.lang.String message)
Called when the status of a transaction changes. This method is only meant to give a realtime status of the transaction in progress. onTransactionComplete should be used when writing transaction result logic.
Possible Values
Need Castles Update!
Authorizing issuer data with card
Need Castles Update!
Need Middleware Update!
Error: xxx
Connecting MP200 with xxx
Transaction is starting
Transaction started, please complete payment on the MP200 reader
Transaction cancel was sent to the MP200
void onTransactionComplete(UEMTransactionResult transResults)
Called when the transaction processing has completed (either successfully or unsuccessfully). Passes a UEMTransactionResult object containing transaction result details.
void onUpdateCheckResultsReceived(MIDDLEWARE_STATUS statusCheck)
Called back after checkIfUpdateNeeded() is called.
Constant | Description |
CASTLES_NEEDS_UPDATE | The device needs to be updated to match the current SDK version. |
MIDDLEWARE_NEEDS_UPDATE | The software installed on the terminal is newer than the middleware library. Developer must update the middleware SDK before using the connected device. |
OK | Castles MP200 device and middleware are both up to date. |
void onWaitingForCardRemoval()
Called when the user should be prompted to remove the card. The transaction will not proceed until the card is physically removed from the terminal.