UEMiddleware Class
UEMiddleware(String devicename, Activity parent, UEMiddlewareInterface callback, OnLog logger)
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | devicename | Name of device, should be "MP200") |
Activity | parent | The parent activity |
UEMiddlewareInterface | callback | Object to handle middleware delegate methods, must implement the UEMiddlewareInterface |
OnLog | logger | Object to handle logger delegate methods, must implement OnLog Interface |
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if any of the parameters are passed with a null value.
void clearCachedFiles()
This method will clear all terminal configuration and software update information that is stored locally on the Android device. This method can only be run before the device is connected. On the next connect(), the terminal configuration will be rewritten to the terminal and software updates will be checked. This method is only necessary in situations where the developer wants to force the config and update checks. It is not normally required, because the middleware will apply changes on a regular schedule.
Delegate Methods
The onError() delegate method will be called back if an attempt is made to clearCachedFiles while the device is already connected or in the process of connecting. To avoid this error, make sure to call clearCachedFiles after instantiation, but before connect().
This method establishes a connection between a phone/table and the payment device. There are a few overloads for the connect method that allow developers to override the default gateway host (www.EBizCharge.com) and use a specified gateway host (like the sandbox) instead. Developers can also choose a specific bluetooth device rather than the first device found.
void connect(String connType, String sourceKey, String pin, String host)
Use the above to connect to the first device found and use the specified gateway host.
void connect(String connType, String sourceKey, String pin)
Use the above to connect to the first device found and use default gateway host "www.EBizCharge.com".
void connect(BluetoothDevice btDevice, String sourceKey, String pin, String host)
Use the above to connect to a specific bluetooth device "btDevice" with the specified host.
void connect(BluetoothDevice btDevice, String sourceKey, String pin)
Use the above to connect to a specific bluetooth device "btDevice" and default host to "www.EBizCharge.com".
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | connType | (Variant 1) Type of connection between phone/tablet and payment device (Ex: "BT" for Bluetooth, "USB" for USB ) |
BluetoothDevice | btDevice | (Variant 2) Bluetooth Device |
String | sourceKey | Merchant's source key |
String | pin | Merchant's PIN |
String | host | (Optional) Host to connect to. This must be just a hostname, not a url. For example: "www.EBizCharge.com" or "sandbox.EBizCharge.com" |
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if any of the parameters are passed in with a null value.
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if the hostname parameter is not a valid hostname.
Delegate Methods
The following delegates may be returned:
- onConnected() will be called when a connection is established between phone/tablet and payment device.
- onError(NO_BT_DEVICE) method will be called when no compatible bluetooth devices were detected. Double check that the MP200 has already been paired in the Android settings screen.
- onError(NO_DEVICES_FOUND) method will be called when a compatible device was not found. Double check the usb cable.
- onStatusChanged(message) method will be called with a message indicating the status of the connection.
- onDisconnected() method will be called if a Bluetooth device drops the connection while the connect process is running.
Retrieving Specific Bluetooth Device
A device list can be retrieved by calling the getAvailableDevices() method.
ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> devices = ueMiddleware.getAvailableDevices();
if(devices.size() == 0) throw new Exception("No devices found");
ueMiddleware.connect(devices.get(0), sourceKey, pin, host);
void disconnect()
Disconnects the device. Needs to be called whenever a transaction completes.
Delegate Methods
The following delegates may be returned:
- onDisconnected() method will be called when payment device is disconnected from phone/tablet.
- onStatusChanged(message) method is called with a message indicating the status of the disconnection.
void doPerformTermUpdate()
Perform any outstanding terminal updates.
UEAdvancedAPI getAdvancedAPI()
The UEAdvancedAPI is a wrapper to a rest client for accessing the gateway rest api.
Type | Description |
UEAdvancedAPI | Returns an instance of the api client |
try {
UEAdvancedAPI api = ueMiddleware.getAdvancedAPI();
JSONObject res = api.sendRESTRequest("https://www.EBizCharge.com/api/v2/info", "GET", sourceKey, pin, request[0]);
} catch(Exception e) {
Example: Running on Main Thread
The api client is asynchronous and will throw a "NetworkOnMainThreadException" if you attempt to run it on the main UI thread. You will need to create an AsyncTask or something similar:
public class YourActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private class YourBtnListener implements Button.OnClickListener {
public void onClick(View v) {
JSONObject request = new JSONObject();
new RestTask().execute(request);
private class RestTask extends AsyncTask<JSONObject, Integer, JSONObject> {
protected JSONObject doInBackground(JSONObject... request) {
// get api instance
UEAdvancedAPI api = ueMiddleware.getAdvancedAPI();
JSONObject res;
try {
// perform rest request
res = api.sendRESTRequest("https://www.EBizCharge.com/api/v2/info", "GET", sourceKey, pin, request[0]);
} catch(Exception e) {
res = new JSONObject();
try {
res.put("error", e.getLocalizedMessage());
}catch(Exception e2) {
return res;
protected void onPostExecute(JSONObject result) {
// do something with the result
Log.d(TAG, "Result: " + result.toString());
ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> getAvailableDevices()
When using the MP200, call this to get the list of available paired bluetooth MP200 devices. This list is filtered and only displays devices containing name "MP200". Devices can be identified by the last 4 of the serial number (located on the back of the MP200).
Type | Description |
ArrayList\<BluetoothDevice> | List of available devices |
If no devices are found, an empty array list will be returned.
ArrayList<BluetoothDevice> devices = ueMiddleware.getAvailableDevices();
if(devices.size() == 0) throw new Exception("No devices found");
ueMiddleware.connect(devices.get(0), sourceKey, pin, host);
void getDeviceInfo()
Retrieves information about the connected device. You must connect() to the device first. Once all details have been retrieved from the device, the onDeviceInfoReceived() delegate will be called.
Delegate Methods
The following delegates may be returned:
- onDeviceInfoReceived() will be called once all information has been retrieved from the device.
- onError(UE_ERROR.UPDATING) will be called if the device is currently busy. Wait for the onConnected() delegate before calling getDeviceInfo().
void getGatewayInfo()
Retrieves information on the gateway environment. Calls the onGatewayInfoReceived() delegate when the data is available.
void getMerchantCapabilities()
Get the processing capabilities of the merchant. Calls the onMerchantCapabilitiesReceived() delegate with the merchant capabilities.
void getReceipt(String template, String refNum, String sourceKey, String pin, String returnType)
Retrieve a receipt for transaction referenced by refNum field. Receipt template is selected using the template" parameter. The rendered receipt is returned as a String to the onReceiptReceived() delegate.
Type | Param | Description |
String | template | Name of template to pull. Use "PointOfSale" for an EMV compliant receipt template. Merchants can also create custom receipt templates in the merchant console. |
String | refNum | Transaction reference number |
String | returnType | Format of receipt template referenced. Possible values are: "html" or "text" |
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if any of the parameters are passed in with a null value.
- onReceiptReceived() will be called once the receipt is successfully retrieved from the gateway.
- onError() will be called if an error occurs, such as error connecting to the gateway. Other errors include:
- onError(RECEIPT_NOT_FOUND) will be called if the template did not match any of the named receipt templates available on the merchants account.
- onError(TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND) will be called if the refNum did not match a transaction.
- onError(RECEIPT_FORMAT_NOT_FOUND) will be called if the receipt is either not available in the requested returnType or an invalid returnType was passed.
public void onTransactionComplete(UEMTransactionResult transResults) {
Log.d(TAG, "onTransactionComplete()");
if (!transResults.hasError()) {
public void onReceiptReceived(String receipt) {
Log.d(TAG, "onReceiptReceived()");
Log.d(TAG, "Receipt: " + receipt);
void hardReset()
Aborts any running operations and causes the terminal to reboot. Please note: This method is not supported with the Castles MP200.
boolean isConnected()
Returns true if phone/tablet is connected to payment device, and returns false otherwise.
void returnPartialAuthDecision(boolean doAuth)
When asked for partial auth through the onPromptForPartialAuth(String String), use this command to continue the transaction.
Type | Parameter | Description |
boolean | doAuth | Set to true to proceed with the auth amount, and false to decline and discontinue the transaction. |
void setConnectionType(int connType)
Sets connection type for MP200.
Type | Parameter | Description |
int | connType | 0 = BT (bluetooth), 1 = USB |
void setSourceAndPin(String sourceKey, String pin)
Sets the gateway source key, and pin. Must be set before the transaction can be sent.
Type | Parameter | Description |
String | sourceKey | Merchant's source key |
String | pin | Merchant's pin |
public void setTerminalConfig(TerminalConfig config):
public void setTerminalConfig(TerminalConfig config, boolean force):
The command sets the terminal configuration. This must be called prior to connect()
Please Note: The middleware will compare the requested terminal configuration against the merchant capabilities. It is possible that some features such as EMV, contactless and Tip Adjust are not available due to the merchant's platform config. If no terminal config is set, the middleware will use the last applied config (stored on terminal). If no config exists on the terminal the middleware will default to the max capabilities of the merchant.
There are two base configs:
This terminal config enables all EVM cardholder verification methods including signature, PIN and NOCVM (for low ticket transactions). Tip amounts must be added prior to authorization and the amount can not be adjusted after authorization. This config can be retrieved with TerminalConfig.getAllCVMConfig() and contains the defaults:
- enable_emv = true;
- enable_debit_msr = true;
- enable_tip_adjust = false;
- enable_contactless = true;
Tip Adjust
Allows a tip amount to be added after authorization. This is achieved by disabling all CVMs other than signature. This config can be retrieved with TerminalConfig.getTipAdjustConfig() and contains the defaults:
- enable_emv = true;
- enable_debit_msr = false;
- enable_tip_adjust = true;
- enable_contactless = true;
Type | Parameter | Description |
TerminalConfig | config | The terminal config object describing desired features. |
boolean | force | (optional) Forces an update to the terminal config. The middleware keeps track of the currently active terminal config and only writes a new one to the terminal if a change is detected. By setting force to "true", it will ignore the stored config and write the new config to the terminal. This can also be achieved by using the clearCachedFiles() method. |
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if any of the parameters are passed in with a null value.
// Use AllCVM base config (Credit/Debit selection enabled)
TerminalConfig tc = TerminalConfig.getAllCVMConfig();
ueMiddleware.connect(mConnType, sourceKey, pin, host);
// Use AllCVM base config and then disable Credit/Debit selection
TerminalConfig tc = TerminalConfig.getAllCVMConfig();
ueMiddleware.connect(mConnType, sourceKey, pin, host);
// Use TipAdjust base config
TerminalConfig tc = TerminalConfig.getTipAdjustConfig();
ueMiddleware.connect(mConnType, sourceKey, pin, host);
Delegate Methods
The onError() delegate method will be called back if an attempt is made to setTerminalConfig while the device is already connected or in the process of connecting. Make sure to call setTerminalConfig after instantiation but before connect().
void setTipAdjust(boolean tipAdjust)
Enables tip adjust.
Type | Paremeter | Description |
boolean | tipAdjust | Set to true to enable tip adjust in transaction, false otherwise |
void startTransaction(HashMap<String, String> transInfo,
boolean manualKey,
boolean promptTip)
Starts a transaction request. The terminal will prompt the customer to swipe, tap or dip their card depending on the merchant's capabilities. If prompTip parameter is set to true then they customer will be asked for a tip amount. The customer is then prompted to confirm the amount. The transaction is sent to the gateway for processing. When the gateway response is received or an error occurs, the onTransactionComplete event will be triggered. If the customer hits the cancel button on the terminal, the onTransactionCancelled event will be triggered. Developers will need to implement these two methods on their delegate to properly handle the transaction flow.
Type | Parameter | Description |
HashMap |
transInfo | HashMap that holds information about the transaction. See below. |
boolean | manualKey | Set to true to trigger a manually-keyed transaction |
boolean | prompTip | Set to true to prompt the customer for a tip |
- MiddlewareException will be thrown if any of the parameters are passed in with a null value.
Supported Commands
This command is the default processing command. The 'cc:sale' command runs a standard credit/debit card sale. It will charge the customers credit/debit card for the amount specified. This command requires that the amount field be populated. Once called, the terminal will collect the payment method from the customer and then send the transaction for processing. If the charge is successful, the transaction will be placed in the merchant's currently open batch for settlement. As long as the merchant has their batch set to autoclose, no further action is required to capture these funds.
This command runs a credit/debit card authorization. This command requires that the amount field be populated. Once called, the terminal will collect the payment method from the customer and then send the transaction for processing. If approved, the funds will be held in the customers account. The funds will remain oh hold until either the transaction is captured and settled, or until the authorization code expires. The length of time before an authorization expires varies from bank to bank, but generally it is recommended that authorizations be captured within 24-48 hours. Merchants should consult their merchant service provider for information specific to their account. If a merchant does not capture the transaction, no funds will be received by the merchant.
This command moves 'cc:authonly' transactions into the batch for settlement. The original Transaction ID (refnum) must be passed in refNum field. Additionally, the amount of originally authorized may be adjusted by passing the amount field. The tolerances for the settle amount vary depending on the type of merchant account and the merchant service provider. The transaction will be placed in the merchant's currently open batch for settlement. As long as the merchant has their batch set to autoclose, no further action is required to capture these funds.
adjust This command allows you to make changes to an existing (unsettled) sale. The authorization amount can be increased (incremental authorization), decreased (partial reversal), or not changed. Additional data elements such as tax amount and PO number can also be added. The original Transaction ID (refnum) must be passed in refNum field. The tolerances for the settle amount vary depending on the type of Merchant Account and the merchant service provider. The adjust and capture commands function identically except that the adjust command does not place the transaction in the batch (see example below).
This command performs an open credit (refund) to a card. It requires the amount field be populated. The terminal will then prompt the customer for the payment method, and then send the transaction to the gateway for processing.
This command cancels a pending (sale, authonly, or credit) transaction. For credit card transactions, this command removes the transaction from the current batch. There is a limited amount of time that a void may be run. For credit cards, a transaction can no longer be voided once the batch has been closed. The void requires that the original Transaction ID number be passed in the refNum field. The terminal is not used, and the transaction is sent directly to the gateway.
transInfo Fields
The majority of these are optional, the only required field is "Amount".
Key | Description |
command | Processing command, typically "cc:sale" or "cc:authonly". See above for more information. |
amount | Total amount to authorize (including tax, shipping, etc). If prompTip parameter is set to "true", this amount will be added to the tip for the total authorization amount. |
tax | Tax amount |
nontaxable | Transaction is non taxable |
tip | If the prompTip parameter is not set, the tip may be passed in this field. The third option is to use the Tip Adjust terminal config which allows for the tip to be added post authorization. |
shipping | Shipping amount |
duty | Duty charge (Required only for level 3) |
discount | The amount of any discounts that were applied. |
description | Transaction description |
comments | Internal transaction notes (not included on customer receipt). Optional. |
custid | Merchant assigned customer id. |
invoice | Invoice number, only the first 11 characters are used. |
orderid | Order identifier. This field can be used to reference the order to which this transaction corresponds. This field can contain up to 64 characters and should be used instead of invoice when orderid is longer that 10 digits. |
ponum | Purchase Order number. Only required for corporate purchasing cards. |
clerk | Indicates the clerk/person processing transaction, for reporting purposes. (optional) |
tranterm | Indicates the terminal used to process transaction, for reporting purposes. (optional) |
resttable | Indicates the restaurant table, for reporting purposes. (optional) |
enablePartialAuth | Set to "true" to enable partial authorization. |
refNum | Gateway assigned transaction id number. Necessary for commands that modify an existing transaction, such as "adjust" or "void:release". |
timeout | Max number of seconds to wait for a response from the gateway. This does not limit how long the customer has to swipe their card. |
target | deprecated set the gateway url. This is now done in the connect(). |
Address Fields:
Billing Key | Shipping Key | Description |
billfname | shipfname | First Name |
billlname | shiplname | Last Name |
billcompany | shipcompany | Company Name |
billstreet | shipstreet | Street Address |
billstreet2 | shipsreet2 | Additional street information (if needed) |
billcity | shipcity | City |
billstate | shipstate | State |
billzip | shipzip | Zip/Postal code |
billcountry | shipcountry | Country |
billphone | shipphone | Phone Number |
fax | ||
website |
Line Item Details:
Replace * with the line number 1-99999.
Field | Max Length | Description |
line*productrefnum | 12 | (optional) Gateway assigned product RefNum, used for inventory control. |
line*sku | 32 | Product id, code or SKU |
line*name | 255 | Item name or short description |
line*description | 64k | Long description |
line*cost | 00000000.00 | Cost of item per unit of measure (before tax or discount) |
line*qty | 00000000.0000 | Quantity |
line*taxable | 1 | Y = Taxable, N = Non-taxable |
line*taxrate | 00.000 | Tax rate for line (only required for level 3 processing). |
line*taxamount | 00000000.00 | Amount of tax charge for line (if left blank will be calculated from taxrate) |
line*um | 12 | Unit of measure. If left blank or an invalid code is sent, EA (Each) will be used. |
line*commoditycode | 12 | Commodity code (only required for level 3 processing). See http://www.unspsc.org/ for valid list of codes. |
line*discountrate | 000.000 | Discount percentage for line (only required for level 3 processing). |
line*discountamount | 00000000.00 | Discount amount for line (if left blank will be calculated from discountrate). |
Delegate Methods
The following delegates may be returned:
- onTransactionComplete() method will be called for all errors, declines or approvals. It is called after all transaction operations have been completed.
- onPromptForPartialAuth() method will be called when a transaction is approved for less that the full amount requested. The developer must tell the middleware how they want to complete the transaction by calling the returnPartialAuthDecision() method.
- onSeePhoneNFC() method will be called during a contactless transaction if the customer needs to take an additional step on their phone (such as enter a password). The transaction will continue once the user takes this action, the developer does not need to do anything, and it is not required that this delegate do anything.
- onStatusChanged() is called when the transaction moves to the next step in the processing flow.
- onError() - is called when startTransaction is passed invalid parameters.
- onError(INVALID_COMMAND) is called when "command" in "transInfo" was not one of the supported commands.
- onError(REFNUM_REQUIRED) is called when "void:release" and "capture" commands are called and the "refnum" parameter was not included.
Example: Extracting the RefNum from onTransactionCompleted
The RefNum is needed if you are going to adjust or void the transaction.
public void onTransactionComplete(UEMTransactionResult transResults) {
Log.d(TAG, "onTransactionComplete()");
String RefNum = "NA";
if(transResults.getGatewayTransactionResults().containsKey("UMrefNum")) RefNum = transResults.getGatewayTransactionResults().get("UMrefNum");
Example: Adjusting a Transaction
The following example can be used to add a tip to a transaction. Please note: This will only work on an EMV transaction if the Terminal Config has been set to tipadjust. RefNum is the value received during the authorization.
HashMap<String,String> captureInfo = new HashMap<String,String>();
captureInfo.put("command", "adjust");
captureInfo.put("refNum", RefNum);
captureInfo.put("tip", "1.00");
BigDecimal totalAmount = new BigDecimal(transInfo.get("amount"));
totalAmount.add(new BigDecimal("1.00"));
captureInfo.put("amount", totalAmount.toString());
Log.d(TAG, " captureInfo: " + captureInfo.toString());
try {
ueMiddleware.startTransaction(captureInfo, false, false);
} catch (MiddlewareException e) {
Example: Voiding a Transaction
The following example demonstrates voiding a transaction and releasing the funds back to the cardholder. RefNum is the value received during the authorization.
HashMap<String,String> voidInfo = new HashMap<String,String>();
voidInfo.put("command", "void:release");
voidInfo.put("refNum", RefNum);
Log.d(TAG, " voidInfo: " + voidInfo.toString());
try {
ueMiddleware.startTransaction(voidInfo, false, false);
} catch (MiddlewareException e) {
void updateDevice()